Thursday, November 23, 2006

The Ultimate Weight Loss Solution – Far Infrared Saunas

The Ultimate Weight Loss Solution – Far Infrared Saunas
by: Shelley Moore

Far Infrared Saunas are a healthy weight loss solution without exercising. Infrared saunas can burn 400-600 calories in just one 30 minute session. In the chart below is a summary of how many calories a 150 pound person normally burns in 30 minutes of exercise:

Marathon Running590
Vigorous Racquet Ball 510
Rowing (peak effort) 600
Swimming (crawl stroke)300
Jogging 300
Tennis (fast game)265
Chopping Wood 265
Cycling (10 mph) 225
Golfing (without a cart) 150
Walking (3.5mph) 150

In a far infrared sauna, a moderately fit person can sweat one pound of sweat in 30 minute session, which is the equivalent of running 2-3 miles. While it is true that the weight of the water expelled in the sauna may be regained by re-hydrating with water – the calories lost with not, resulting in weight loss.

Weight loss is just one of the many benefits of regular use of Far Infrared Saunas.

How do Far Infrared Saunas Work?

Far Infrared Saunas have been around for years, but only recently have become popular in North America. Japanese have been utilizing the Infrared Saunas for the past century and have enjoyed tremendous health benefits from them.

Infrared Saunas are unlike conventional saunas which pull sweat out of the body. Far Infrared energy penetrates up to 3 inches into the body and PUSHES sweat out of the body. As the body is heated from the inside out, it forces toxins under the skin out.

The temperature of a far infrared sauna is typically between 90۫ - 120۫ F versus a traditional sauna which operates between 180۫ -220۫ F. However, despite operating at a lower temperature, you will typically perspire far more in infrared saunas because the infrared energy penetrates your body at a much deeper level. Fat becomes water soluble at 100۫ F when it begins to dissolve, move through the blood and finally is removed from the body, resulting in weight loss. Toxins are also eliminated through your skin using lower, comfortable temperatures, for rapid detoxification.

Radiant heat is more effective than other heat because it warms you – not the surrounding air. A great example of infrared heat is the sun. The warmth of the heat on your skin you feel on a cold sunny day is far infrared energy. Far infrared waves vibrate at the same frequency as we do, which is why they are able to penetrate into the flesh and warm you up internally. Every moment we are emitting far infrared energy. In fact, palm healing is based on the natural healing properties of far infrared heat.

Is your body Over ACIDIC?

If you are unable to achieve weight loss or continually trying to lose that last 15 pounds you could be over acidic. Often times the body holds on to extra weight because it is toxic and in an acidic environment. When a system is too acid, the body produces more insulin than usual. The more insulin that is available, the higher chance the fat will be stored rather than burned as energy, making it difficult for weight loss. To protect itself the body will hold onto the weight. As the toxic chemicals are removed from the body when using a far infrared sauna, weight loss is inevitable.

Studies have shown that the detoxification potential of a far infrared sauna is 3 times greater than a regular sauna. When analyzing the water content of sweat in a traditional hot air sauna it was 95-97%. Conversely the water content of sweat in a far infrared sauna is about 80-85%. The remaining 15-20% contains toxic substances such as lead, aluminum and fluoride.

Reduce Cellulite!

Far Infrared heat can assist in breaking down cellulite. Cellulite is a gel-like substance made up of fat, water and wastes which are trapped in pockets below the skin. Profuse sweating helps clear this form of unwanted debris from the body. Because the heat penetration of infrared saunas is over twice that of conventional saunas and up to ten times the level of heat in these tissues an Infrared Sauna can be significantly more effective than a conventional sauna.


1. Weight Loss
2. Detoxify Effect – improve health by ridding your body of toxins
3. Cardiovascular conditioning - can decrease heart failure and hypertension
4. Alleviates Muscle and Joint Pain – great for arthritis and rheumatism sufferers. They are also excellent for athletes when warming up or cooling down as infrared saunas will increase muscle length
5. Relieves Stress – will leave you feeling rejuvenated
6. Improved Immune System – increase resistance to disease
7. Improved Skin Tone and Elasticity
8. Helps Skin Problems; helps heal scars, burns, acne, eczema, psoriasis
9. Reduce Cellulite
10. Improves male sexual function; Infrared Saunas have been shown to increase the production of nitric oxide.

A single person can have the infrared sauna set up and ready to use in under an hour!

DISCLAIMER: The information in this article is intended for educational purposes only. The author of this article is not a medically trained physician; therefore, any theories or suggestions put forward are intended to supplement and not replace the advice of medically or legally trained professionals. All matters concerning your health require medical supervision. Please ensure that you consult your doctor prior to adopting any suggestions put forward by e-Smart Living, as well as about any condition that may require medical diagnosis or medical attention. E-Smart Living is not responsible in any manner whatsoever for any injury sustained either directly or indirectly from information put forward in this article.

About The Author
Shelley Moore has spent over 15 years in the health and wellness industry. She is a certified Personal Trainer and Health and Wellness Specialist and has traveled extensively, studying alternative forms of medicine and ancient healing methods. Sharing a passion for health, their website e-Smart Living (close new window to return to this page) provides healthy, safe home products that help people lead a life full of energy and vitality.


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