Sunday, June 07, 2009

Software gives cerebral palsy voice

Computing scientists from the Universities of Aberdeen and Dundee, and Capability Scotland, lead by Dr Ehud Reiter, from the University of Aberdeen's school of natural and computing sciences have developed a software that enables children with severe motor disabilities and communication problems a "voice". Their software named "How was school today" uses sensors, swipe cards, and a recording device to gather information on what the child using the system has experienced at school that day and turned them into a story by the computer using what is called natural language generation which the pupils can then share when they get home.

Children with cerebral palsy have great communication problems and experience problems interacting verbally with people. The software enables them to tell a "story" and support a more interactive narration and quickly answer questions.

The project is funded by the Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC).


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